Workplace Discrimination

Ensuring Fair Treatment for all in the Workplace in Federal and State Courts Throughout Vermont

No one expects to be the victim of workplace harassment, retaliation or discrimination. In fact, when such mistreatment occurs, it often comes as a great shock, leading to deep emotional strain and fear for your physical safety and career well being. If you believe you are the victim of discrimination or harassment, you need a lawyer who understands and enforces Vermont employment laws and how to help you halt the mistreatment or obtain monetary compensation for your ill treatment.

At the Watts Law Firm, P.C., Attorney Watts has offered dedicated and assertive employment law guidance to Vermont residents for more than 25 years. Leveraging an in depth knowledge of Vermont employment statutes and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines, our staff is able to offer the comprehensive support you need to gain reinstatement to your position, or, if you are not interested in returning to the employer, securing money damages in the form of compensation for lost wages or emotional stress if reinstatement should prove impossible. Punitive damages are also awarded in statutory discrimination litigation. And attorneys fees and court costs are usually reimbursed to the successful plaintiff.

The firm serves litigation clients throughout Vermont. To discuss your specific employment law concerns during a free initial consultation, contact us online or call our law clerk, Jennifer Meagher, at (802) 457-1020. She is a law school graduate and handles initial client case reviews.

Ensuring Your Rights are Upheld

At the Watts Law Firm, P.C., we believe that everyone should receive fair and equal treatment in the workplace. To that end, we strive to offer comprehensive guidance to clients facing situations from a number of employment law practice areas, always working to ensure that you receive the assertive and understanding guidance you need to end workplace harassment or discrimination.

With more than two decades of experience, we are able to address issues ranging from gender discrimination to disability discrimination and age discrimination to retaliation and harassment. Whatever your concerns may be, our staff strives to provide the insightful and informative advice you need to secure reinstatement or compensation for lost wages and emotional strain resulting from such mistreatment.

In Vermont, mediation is mandatory before cases go to trial and as a result most cases settle without trial. Our success rate speaks for itself – in the past year (2013-14) 97% of our litigation cases were settled at mediation or arbitration.

Everyone deserves good legal advice and strong legal representation. That’s what we do. To discuss your specific situation, please contact us today.

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  2. 2 Experienced, Driven, Assertive
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